First before I introduce you to my hair growth challenge let me give you a little back ground on my hair history. I have always had long and thick hair! For me it is mainly genetics, from both sides of my family. When I was in Elementary school of course my mom or cousin would braid my hair. Adding barrettes and beads to the ends I guess to make it look more festive LOL! My mother would press it with a hot comb only on special occasions. Even after pressing it she would braid it right back up. My hair grew very long wearing "braids" as a protective style for my hair. In Middle School my mother had enough she couldn't or didn't want to do my hair any more it got too long and thick for her to handle. She told my dad she was going to get me a relaxer. He told her not to " It's gone break her hair off." She asked me what I wanted. I wanted straight hair like her so I said I want a relaxer ( I should have listened to my dad!). Got my virgin relaxer done i was juiced! And surprisingly my hair thrived off of the relaxer my hair grew even longer. I remember getting picked on because I had long hair. People putting tape in my hair, pulling my hair, making nasty weave comments! HATERS!!! LOL By the time I got to high school my hair had broken off a lil but it was still well past my shoulders. I remember I cut my hair a lil pass my shoulder length, it grow back so fast girls kept asking me how I did it. At the time I really couldn't answer them because I really didn't know! My senior yr I cut my hair again thinking it will grow back and longer by prom! I was SOOO wrong! my hair was dry and all senior yr it stay at the same length I was pissed I had to get extensions for prom! In college I decided that my hair was much thicker and longer before my relaxer so a lil over a yr ago I decided to transition from relaxer to natural. I grew my hair out to arm pit length (APL) the relaxer in the back of my head BROKE OFF I was so hurt! I thought i was doing good my hair was growing and keeping its length. I did research and found out why. All my research is in the "hair essentials for beautiful tresses" post. Dec 31, 2010 I cut off all my relaxed ends about 5 inches, which left me with a shoulder length fro! Its cute though I love it! I've never felt more liberated.
From January 2011-April 2011 I have been wearing protective styles and taking vitamins. My hair has grown from shoulder length to right above arm pit length! It grew about 3 1/2 inches in 4 months. If I keep this up my hair should be really long in no time. My goal is not just to have long hair but also to have healthy hair, and to know how to take care of my hair myself and not pay someone else to do it and NOT get any length in the process. So this is going to be my photo diary of my hair growth I'll try to post photos every 2-3 months.
My Personal Challenge: Using Minimal heat styling, Doing braid outs, moisturizing and sealing, Taking multi vitamins, Washing my hair once a week. Doing mild protein treatments every other week, doing strong protein treatments every 6 weeks, and trimming/dusting my hair every 2 months. I plan on doing this challenge for six months it will end in OCTOBER. This challenge isn't just for natural hair you can be relaxed as well. If you want to do this challenge with me leave a comment below and I will give the specifics. HAPPY GROWING!
VITAMINS I AM TAKING: Hairfinity. If you are interested in these multi vitamins check out there website Taking these helped my hair grow on average about an inch a month. Plus with all the B vitamins I had a lot more energy.
April 22, 2011
Hey Jaz, how often do u wash ur hair?
ReplyDeleteSince I am not relaxed and I dont put heat in my hair often I wash once a week.
ReplyDeleteI also deep condition after every wash