Sunday, June 19, 2011


   There is one major reason why a lot of African American woman never see their hair grow pass shoulder length and that is because of breakage!


             There are three things that WILL cause breakage.
1. Dryness. Our hair texture being natural or relaxed needs moisture! Because of the complicated twists and turns of our hair strands the natural oil that is produced from our scalp does not reach to the ends of our hair. That's why our "Roots" are typically always so THICK & HEALTHY. So since that natural nutrients does not reach all of our hair we MUST add it back to or hair by using water (and water based products), deep conditioners, leave in conditioners, Hair lotion/Shea butters, and oils. When moisturizing our hair the items I just listened are a must for our hair! Not just one of them, but using all of them in conjunction will truly benefit your hair being relaxed or natural. Make sure to moisturize and Seal hair daily

Here a link showing you how you should moisturize and seal your hair every day.

2. Protein Treatments. For relaxed women, protein treatments are a must for long strong hair. The chemical in the relaxer breaks down the hairs Keratin (protein) in order to straighten the hair strand. Because the protein is broken the hair is weak and can easily break. SO a week before your relaxer or a week after your relaxer give yourself a protein treatment. It can be simple as a deep conditioner with protein in it ( look for the word "Strengthen" on the bottle), or more complicated by putting a protein shock liquid on your hair drying it until the hair become hard then rinsing it out. Remember after doing a strong treatment make sure you add moisture back into your hair by deep conditioning. Moisture and protein go hand and hand. Natural women if you are not consuming enough protein in your diet you might want to do an occasional protein treatment. Also if you are natural and use a lot of heat on your hair you will definitely need to do protein treatments every week or every other week.

Note: You can also do a protein treatment using mayo, eggs, Avocado, or all three at once as a hair mask leave on for an hour then wash out. Also remember too much protein can cause breakage. Make sure you do a protein check. Take a shedded piece of hair from your comb, tug on it, if it pops easily your hair is lack elasticity and needs protein.

Here is a link that shows the process of a harsher or protein shock treatment. This one is my fav to use on my hair.

3. Detangling. A lot of us are really rough with our hair. Its important to remember that hair is FRAGILE. By combing it or brushing it too often, too rough, and through knots and tangle our hair will snap and break off. For my natural women do not detangle the hair when it is dry. Add conditioner to add slip or spray some water to moisten the hair. Remember when detangling use a WIDE TOOTH COMB (or a soft brush) start from the ends of your hair then slowly work your way up. From my own experience it truly pays off the take your time and slowly detangle your hair ( Takes me about 30- 40mins). You will notice less hair in your comb and more on your head :). NEVER detangle your hair with a rat tail comb! You should use rat tail combs for styling and when your hair is tangle free. Relaxed women should also use a wide tooth comb when detangling as well. For the relaxed women who are stretching their relaxers, make sure your gentle with your new growth and i suggest using a detangling leave in conditioner to handle those roots. Remember always comb your hair from ends to the roots. This will help your detangling experience be not so painful.

Here is a women who is stretching her relaxer:                                                                     

Here is a link to show you how to properly detangle your hair. Keep in mind this video is fast forward she is not combing through her hair that quickly.

Hope all this information Helps!!!

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