Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Favorite Hair Pre-Poo and Shampoos

Pre-POO: A pre-poo is simply something that you add to your hair and scalp before shampooing. Now I know your wondering why would you add prodcut to your hair and then just wash it right out! Will I only use this step when washing my hair with a harsh shampoo. A shampoo that has sulfates in it really strip the hair of build up. I do a HOT OIL TREATMENT as my prepoo sometimes. I add the hot coconut oil or EVOO extra virgin oil ( yes the oil you cook with) to my scalp, hair shaft, and ends. I let if sit for about 20 min (dont forget to massage your scalp this promotes hair growth). When washing the hair always remember to shampoo your SCALP there is no need for you to shampoo you hair. WHY? The scalp is where most of the dirt and bulid up is. Hair grows better on a clean fungal free scalp. Plus when you are rinsing the shampoo out of your hair the shampoo will move from the scalp down the hair shaft to the ends. So all of your hair will get clean if you use this method. PLEASE DON'T! when washing your own hair DON'T massage the shampoo into your hair and at the same time ball your hair on top of your head! All this does is create tangles in the hair which will cause breakage. We HAVE to be gentle with our hair if we want it to grow!. Wash your hair in on directon forward in the stink on backwards in the shower. The prepoo protects the hair from the hair shampoo when rinsing the shampoo out.

Favorite PRE-POO hot evoo. Olive Oil is a great conditioner for the hair and scalp. Even leaves scalp moisturized for days after washing. This is great for you if you a have dandruff problem.

Clarifying/ Harsh Shampoo: Its best to uses shampoos with harsh sulfates once a month or every other month. Dont use these types of shampoos every week it will strip your hair of its natural goodness! Remember shampoo scalp not hair!

Favorite Calrifying/Harsh Shampoo: ApHogee's Shampoo for damaged Hair. This shampoo is targeted to people with relaxed hair, or hair that is  weak and damaged from heat. It does have karetin and amino acids which are light protein, so it helps to rebuild the hair.This shampoo also balence the pH levels of hair and scalp. You can find the whole ApHogee line at Sally's Beauty Supply if you are intrested.

All Natural Shampoo. Since I have been natural (4 months now) I have been searching for and all natural shampoo with no sulfates. I found it and it is my FAVORITE shampoo ever. I have to use it every week I love it!!!

Favorite All Natural Shampoo: Nu-Gro Shampoo for thinning and balding. Now I am not close to thinning or balding but the natural ingrdients help promote hair growth so i'd thought I try it and I love it and YES i have seen growth. Some of the ingredients include; parsley, garlic, nettle, burdock, horsetail coltsfoot, rosemary leaf, jojoba oil, coconut oil, safflower oil..... the list goes on and on. Its some good stuff! It smells like almond oil and yes its does lather pretty well! You can purchase this product and the whole Nu-Gro line at

Look out for my Favorite conditioners and deep conditioners!

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